Suspense doesn't seem to work with ContextProvider

hey, so recently I noticed, If I use createResource(fetch) and then put <Suspense fallback={<Placeholder>}> I will see the placeholder during loading. But if I have createResource(fetch) inside a ContextProvider, i.e.:
const ContextProvider: ParentComponent = (props) => {
const [data] = createResource(isAuthenticated, fetch);

return (
<Context.Provider value={{
const ContextProvider: ParentComponent = (props) => {
const [data] = createResource(isAuthenticated, fetch);

return (
<Context.Provider value={{
and then have a
const SomeChild = () => {
const { data } = useAppState();

<Suspense fallback={<Placeholder>}>
const SomeChild = () => {
const { data } = useAppState();

<Suspense fallback={<Placeholder>}>
then I will not see the suspense-placeholder and in fact my UI will not update until the data is loaded. Does suspense & createResource not work around context-provide and use?
3 Replies
Bersaelor13mo ago
it seems the provider finished already before my screen is available, and the view just took a long time to layout in the CPU. Thats why It seemed like it should have shown the loading-placeholder
REEEEE13mo ago
In the code above, you aren't reading the resource. You have to do data() I believe the resource looks for the nearest suspense boundary to where it is read
Bersaelor13mo ago
sorry, yeah that was simplified sample code as I didn't want to distract from the issue with the details.
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