Windmill11mo ago

Is there a way to self-host on as Raspberry Pi?

I have a Raspberry-Pi 4 with 4GB RAM and tried to self-host via docker compose, but i just get the error "no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries", even though it's stated on the homepage "Scale to Any Cluster Size - From Raspberry Pi to large Kubernetes clusters". Or is there another way to get Windmill running on the Pi?
7 Replies
rubenf11mo ago
The image is buildable to linux/arm/v7 but we do not provide an official image because we do not have the bandwidth you can also build from sources we're looking for a maintainer to support the rpi images
gaito2011mo ago
So building from sources is the way to go on the RPi?
rubenf11mo ago
from sources or building the docker image but building from sources is probably the easiest also I think some rpi support arm64 (which we do have an official image of)
gaito2011mo ago
Thanks, switching from Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit to 64-bit version solved the problem
Trevor Sullivan
Trevor Sullivan11mo ago
I'd recommend something beefier than a Raspberry Pi. Maybe install the workers on it, but not the Windmill server itself. Also, you can run vanilla Ubuntu Server 64-bit on RPi devices. You don't have to use Raspberry Pi OS.
Trevor Sullivan
Trevor Sullivan11mo ago
You could also run Armbian instead https://www.armbian.com/
Igor Pečovnik
Linux for custom hardware
aurelienbrabant11mo ago
I think I should be able to build those and distribute them on docker hub on a regular basis if that can help RPIs are actually very impressive machines, I can tell from my past experience with them (although I went for something way beefier since).