SolidJS11mo ago

idiomatic memo usage

is there a more idiomatic way to write this?
const username = createMemo(() => state.data?.displayName?.toLowerCase().split(" ")[0]);

return (
<p>welcome{username() ? `, ${username()}` : ""}</p>
const username = createMemo(() => state.data?.displayName?.toLowerCase().split(" ")[0]);

return (
<p>welcome{username() ? `, ${username()}` : ""}</p>
2 Replies
foxpro 🐍
foxpro 🐍11mo ago
Do you really need memo here?
ai611mo ago
Not sure what you mean by "more idiomatic" but you could make it easier to read by extracting it to a function:
const getWelcomeMessage = () => {
const username = state.data?.displayName?.toLowerCase().split(" ")[0];
return `welcome${username ? `, ${username}` : ""}`;

return (
const getWelcomeMessage = () => {
const username = state.data?.displayName?.toLowerCase().split(" ")[0];
return `welcome${username ? `, ${username}` : ""}`;

return (