GEON11mo ago

Apollo 87H-T-SC problem

Hello Geon & team, I have been enjoying my 722, testing switches in the apollo before proceeding with soldered builds. I have done about 4 different builds on the apollo with no problems. When I came to my desk this morning, I discovered that 3 keys are not functioning correctly. When hitting "2", "12" is entered instead. When hitting "w" or "s", "qw" or "as" are entered instead. Aside from 2, w, and s, the rest of the pcb is working as intended. In terms of troubleshooting, I tried resetting and flashing the newest .bin file https://discord.com/channels/743801649377574924/811452141570752523/1114928079207403580 from here, and I inspected the back of the pcb for damage. Visually I don't see anything, and the behavior remains after flashing. I think this means it is ESD damage, so I would like to know if there are options for repair. Since I have 1 less pcb than planned, I will also be emailing the store later this afternoon to see if I can add another galatea to my v2 order, thank you Prayge
If you remove them and it does not work, problem was pads
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18 Replies
skjoldir11mo ago
@gondolindrim_ any tips when you have a spare minute froggyHeart
Sam Juan
Sam Juan11mo ago
Can you test with tweezers? Remove all switches
skjoldir11mo ago
will dissasemble and take a look ty issue persists with tweezers on bare socket, "2", "w", and "s" exhibit the double press behavior.
Sam Juan
Sam Juan11mo ago
It must be grounded, but looks like the issue is inconsistent. Previous issue was 1 was also registering when 2 was trigerred, etc.
skjoldir11mo ago
Sorry, by double press im referring to the behavior in my original comment, "12", "qw", and "as", so the behavior is the same for a mounted switch as well as tweezer on socket
Gondolindrim10mo ago
This really looks like a socket issue Are 2, W and S the only keys with this problem?
skjoldir10mo ago
that's correct! they were fine til 1 day I went to my desk and they weren't I thought since they were in the same column it meant a short, but then the whole column isn't affected so shrug idk the electronics details behind it
Gondolindrim10mo ago
Well they can be weirded on the row But if the other switche son the same row are not having the same issue, this might be a socket thing Have you tried cleaning the PCB and testing it outside of the case?
skjoldir10mo ago
yes, when I tested the tweezers on the sockets with all the switches removed, the pcb was outside the case and the behavior persisted. I didn't clean anything though, I will look into that my next step should be to desolder and replace the affected sockets?
Gondolindrim10mo ago
That would be my first choice
skjoldir10mo ago
do I have to get replacement sockets or can I just directly solder 3 new switches in? actually if I removed the socket and the issue still occurred when testing with tweezers that would mean it's something else so I'll start with that and see what happens, thank you
Gondolindrim10mo ago
There is a chance that the socket pads are damaged somehow In that case it would be difficult to fix it There are no pads for the switches to solder into
skjoldir10mo ago
so I couldn't test it until I put new sockets on? I don't mind writing it off since I got a lot of use out of it, just don't want to let it go to waste if the repair is feasible you know
Gondolindrim10mo ago
You can test If you remove sockets and PCB works, problem was sockets
Gondolindrim10mo ago
If you remove them and it does not work, problem was pads
Gondolindrim10mo ago
We can still wire it and fix it Just some work, but it's definitely fixable if you have the patience
skjoldir10mo ago
I don't have the desoldering equipment on hand and this thread is getting long, if you don't mind I will mark solved and dm you once I return to this project if these first steps aren't enough
Gondolindrim10mo ago
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