Solid context doesnt work

Learning solid using docs and i use the docs example to create a context but for some reason this error appears, can someone help or give a sugestionon how i can fix? mycode:

import { createContext, useContext } from "solid-js"
import { createStore } from "solid-js/store"

const CartContext = createContext({})

type CartItem = {
item: string,
amount: number

type CartProviderProps = {
children: any // dunno how to type children ;-; docs doest help

export function CartProvider({
}: CartProviderProps) {

const [cartData, setCartData] = createStore<CartItem[]>([])

// Actions
function addToCart(item: string, amount: number) {

setCartData([...cartData, {
item, amount
function removeFromCart(itemId: string) {

setCartData(cartData.filter(item => item.item !== itemId))
function changeItemAmount(itemId: string, amount: number) {

setCartData( => {
if (item.item === itemId) {
return {

return item

return (
<CartContext.Provider value={{

export function useCart() { return useContext(CartContext) }

import { createContext, useContext } from "solid-js"
import { createStore } from "solid-js/store"

const CartContext = createContext({})

type CartItem = {
item: string,
amount: number

type CartProviderProps = {
children: any // dunno how to type children ;-; docs doest help

export function CartProvider({
}: CartProviderProps) {

const [cartData, setCartData] = createStore<CartItem[]>([])

// Actions
function addToCart(item: string, amount: number) {

setCartData([...cartData, {
item, amount
function removeFromCart(itemId: string) {

setCartData(cartData.filter(item => item.item !== itemId))
function changeItemAmount(itemId: string, amount: number) {

setCartData( => {
if (item.item === itemId) {
return {

return item

return (
<CartContext.Provider value={{

export function useCart() { return useContext(CartContext) }
4 Replies
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr11mo ago
The variables for contexts are supposed to be lower case. Otherwise they are wrapped like normal components.
Carere11mo ago
Should the extension be tsx ?
o gabriel
o gabriel11mo ago
thank you very much for the help, everyone in the company is laughing a lot here for my mistake A common mistake by me ;-;
Carere11mo ago
Haha no PB 😅, you're welcome 😁
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