Getting Tailwind to work in content scripts

I'm following the instructions from, with the exception that I did not pnpm create plasmo --with-tailwindcss because my project was already started. However I did all the other stuff. I think I must be doing the getStyle export wrong? The style is not being injected. any idea what may be going wrong? This is my content script: contents/my-content-script.tsx
import type {
} from "plasmo"
import cssText from "data-text:~style.scss";
import type { PlasmoGetStyle } from "plasmo"

import type { FC } from "react"
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"
import CenterContent from "~components/center-content"

export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = {
matches: ["*"] // ommited the host for this example

export const getStyle: PlasmoGetStyle = () => {

// This doesn't work. The style element doesn't show up?

const style = document.createElement("style")
style.textContent = cssText
return style

// This also doesn't work.

// const style = document.createElement("style")
// = 'this-doesnt-show-up-on-the-page-anywhere'
// style.textContent = `
// .wtf {
// color: red !important;
// }
// `
// return style

export const getRootContainer = () =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
const checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
const xpath = `//h1[contains(text(),"this part works fine")]`;
const targetElement = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;

if (targetElement) {
const rootContainerParent = targetElement.parentNode?.parentNode?.parentNode as HTMLElement;

const rootContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'my-root';
rootContainer.classList.add('w-full', 'h-full', 'flex', 'flex-col');

}, 137)

const PlasmoOverlay: FC<PlasmoCSUIProps> = () => {
return (
<h1 className="text-bold text-2xl wtf">
------- This H1 shows up but the class styling doesn't work ------

export const render: PlasmoRender<PlasmoCSUIJSXContainer> = async ({
}) => {
const rootContainer = await createRootContainer()
const root = createRoot(rootContainer)
root.render(<PlasmoOverlay />)

export default PlasmoOverlay
import type {
} from "plasmo"
import cssText from "data-text:~style.scss";
import type { PlasmoGetStyle } from "plasmo"

import type { FC } from "react"
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"
import CenterContent from "~components/center-content"

export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = {
matches: ["*"] // ommited the host for this example

export const getStyle: PlasmoGetStyle = () => {

// This doesn't work. The style element doesn't show up?

const style = document.createElement("style")
style.textContent = cssText
return style

// This also doesn't work.

// const style = document.createElement("style")
// = 'this-doesnt-show-up-on-the-page-anywhere'
// style.textContent = `
// .wtf {
// color: red !important;
// }
// `
// return style

export const getRootContainer = () =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
const checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
const xpath = `//h1[contains(text(),"this part works fine")]`;
const targetElement = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;

if (targetElement) {
const rootContainerParent = targetElement.parentNode?.parentNode?.parentNode as HTMLElement;

const rootContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'my-root';
rootContainer.classList.add('w-full', 'h-full', 'flex', 'flex-col');

}, 137)

const PlasmoOverlay: FC<PlasmoCSUIProps> = () => {
return (
<h1 className="text-bold text-2xl wtf">
------- This H1 shows up but the class styling doesn't work ------

export const render: PlasmoRender<PlasmoCSUIJSXContainer> = async ({
}) => {
const rootContainer = await createRootContainer()
const root = createRoot(rootContainer)
root.render(<PlasmoOverlay />)

export default PlasmoOverlay
2 Replies
k_nearest_neighbor•11mo ago
here's a screenshot of that code if it is easier to read with syntax highlighting
No description
illmagination•11mo ago
Have you whitelisted your files in your tailwind.config? module.exports ={ content:['./src/*/.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}'] } ^ google that. In phone and it's messing up the correct syntax
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