how do you set attributes on `<Html>` and `<Body>` from within a route?

this should happen on the server side so the attributes are set before the js is loaded
5 Replies
Samual 🦢
Samual 🦢11mo ago
if this is not yet possible, someone tell me so I can make an issue
Jérémy11mo ago
You'll be able to achieve that with context
Solid is a purely reactive library. It was designed from the ground up with a reactive core. It's influenced by reactive principles developed by previous libraries.
Samual 🦢
Samual 🦢10mo ago
how does context achieve this?
Jérémy10mo ago
You have to define a context. With that, you'll be able to create a context provider. That'll allow you include your tags inside this context provider. Then, from deep in your component tree, you'll have to set a value in your context, that will trigger an update on your provider's value. And you can bind this to a class. If you didn't already did it, I strongly advise to follow the tutorial. It's really well made.
Samual 🦢
Samual 🦢10mo ago
are you talking about using reactivity to update the attributes? I can already do that without context, but it won't help this needs to happen on the server and none of the reactive primitives do anything server side
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