Making tabs for edit page

There used to be a package for version 2: Unfortunately doesn't support V3 yet (there's a push for it, but in testing, it doesn't work). I see issues reported for that, but for now, is there a Filament way to do some kinda tabs like that plugin does? On the edit page, there will be the edit form and the relationship manager table under that I want to move them into tabs, where you select a tab to view those My example: Litters (resource) has Puppies (relationship manager) I would like tabs where you can edit the litter, or just view the puppies - within the same LittersResource, so you don't scroll down to see Puppies, you just select the tab... Maybe this isn't possible... let me know πŸ™‚
7 Replies
yagrasdemondeβ€’10mo ago
Did you try custom action in place of tabs ?
JamesTechDudeβ€’10mo ago
That might be the way to go πŸ€” and just put the relationship manager onto its own page? I made a view action using: php artisan make:filament-page ViewLitter --resource=LitterResource --type=ViewRecord But the problem is, this still generates the form at the top - just with a view only type / disabled fields, with no way to hide it that I can find in the documentation I'll try messing around further
tuto1902β€’10mo ago
Try this function in your ViewLitter page (can also be used in the EditLitter page)
public function hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent(): bool
return true;
public function hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent(): bool
return true;
JamesTechDudeβ€’10mo ago
THAT WORKS! Thank you!
tuto1902β€’10mo ago
You're welcome! I'm glad I was able to help πŸ‘
JamesTechDudeβ€’10mo ago
Sadly I decided to go away from Filament 😦 it's very nice, but I have very custom pages and would have to learn custom page logic to get those to work again haha. But it was fun to play with! I may bug you in the Laravel section someday soon tho πŸ˜…
tuto1902β€’10mo ago
That's OK. If your Filament doesn't fit your design, the you must find what works best for you. I'll be happy to answer any Laravel questions you have.