Default values in props with Merge Giving me a weird interface

In the situation where I want to possibly pass in prop, say arrOfStrings:
interface ComponentProps {
arrOfStrings?: string[]

export default function Component(props: ComponentProps) {
const merged = mergeProps(
arrOfStrings: [],
// ... etc
interface ComponentProps {
arrOfStrings?: string[]

export default function Component(props: ComponentProps) {
const merged = mergeProps(
arrOfStrings: [],
// ... etc
I'm getting a resulting type for merged as :
const merged: {
arrOfStrings: (string[] | never[]) & (string[] | never[] | undefined);
const merged: {
arrOfStrings: (string[] | never[]) & (string[] | never[] | undefined);
How can I resolve this in Typescript?
6 Replies
Jasmin 🌈💜
hm it seems that typescript doesn't know that in this case, the merged props will 100% have a arrayOfStrings property thinkies I don't know if that could be fixed by solid.js. This would be a workaround for you:
interface ComponentProps {
arrOfStrings?: string[]

interface FinalProps {
arrOfStrings: string[]

export default function Component(props: ComponentProps) {
const merged: FinalProps = mergeProps(
arrOfStrings: [],
// ... etc
interface ComponentProps {
arrOfStrings?: string[]

interface FinalProps {
arrOfStrings: string[]

export default function Component(props: ComponentProps) {
const merged: FinalProps = mergeProps(
arrOfStrings: [],
// ... etc
captaindaylight.•10mo ago
The problem is this is a simplified version, so I could have final props but I'm trying to avoid duplicating a large interface :/ Thank you for this answer though
Jasmin 🌈💜
oh it's because of the empty array. This also solves the problem:
interface ComponentProps {
arrOfStrings?: string[]

export default function Component(props: ComponentProps) {
const merged = mergeProps(
arrOfStrings: [] as string[],
// ... etc
interface ComponentProps {
arrOfStrings?: string[]

export default function Component(props: ComponentProps) {
const merged = mergeProps(
arrOfStrings: [] as string[],
// ... etc
very confusing why typescript thinks the property can be undefined if you provide a default empty array
captaindaylight.•10mo ago
ah yes, that did it! thank you
Jasmin 🌈💜
glad that I could help! I asked in the #typescript channel about it ( This looks like it could be a mistake on solid's side. I will open an issue if this would be the case.
captaindaylight.•10mo ago
awesome I'll track it there!
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