[EXP] How to display a component below or above a text selection

reposting a question from issues on GH because because seen few people need examples on how this could be properly implemented Showing a component above/below a selection is a behavior that many extensions use, for example google translator, dictionary, grammarly, etc. I would like to see an example of how this behavior should be implemented. I would also like to know if there is an easy way to do it using something specific to plasmo, since I have seen that it is a common functionality. Thank you so much. https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/726
[EXP] How to display a component below or above a text selection · ...
What is the example you wish to see? Showing a component above/below a selection is a behavior that many extensions use, for example google translator, dictionary, grammarly, etc. I would like to s...
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