C#10mo ago

❔ i have two errors in this code unity Turret code please help

errors - Assets\Code\Scripts\Turret.cs(46,32): error CS0103: The name 'instantiate' does not exist in the current context Assets\Code\Scripts\Turret.cs(46,91): error CS0117: 'Quaternion' does not contain a definition for 'Identity'
5 Replies
phaseshift10mo ago
it means those things dont exist, or you didn't add the correct namespace (or you didnt even add a package/project reference to bring in those types)
SinFluxx10mo ago
it's Quaternion.identity (lowercase on identity) are you using an IDE yet, like it was suggested to you in the last thread you made? That should help you with pointing out errors/suggesting fixes like this
TheRanger10mo ago
Instantiate is case sensitive
Accord10mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.