C#10mo ago

❔ visual studio error loading project asp.net core mvc

when I create a project in visual studio asp.net core mvc , all the files (Controllers, Views etc) are missing , is there anyway to fix this problem
11 Replies
Angius10mo ago
What can you see in the solution explorer? What files are there?
Ayoub10mo ago
just the solution , there are no files 0 projets
Angius10mo ago
And on the disk? Does the project and files exist when you open them with file explorer?
Ayoub10mo ago
Angius10mo ago
Aight, so, right-click on the solution and add an existing project Then point to that project I don't know why, but this kinda thing happens often
Ayoub10mo ago
it gave me an error when i try to add the project
Angius10mo ago
What error?
Ayoub10mo ago
sdk "micorsoft .net sdk.web' specific missing
Ayoub10mo ago
will do thanks
Accord10mo ago
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