PocketBase Auth with Context doesn't track store

I'm trying to create a PocketBase AuthContext that I may add to my app, so that in the future if I wish to add more routes I can access the data from all the routes. However this is getting on my nerves, because the store isn't tracking when the pb.authStore changes (creation / deletion / updated), that is except when HMR kicks in, then it refreshes. And the weirdest part is I can log it on the console... Here is the code:
const AuthContext = createContext<
{ token: string; model: AuthModel } | string

export function AuthProvider(props: { children: JSX.Element }) {
//kind of a singleton, supposedly (in my mind, as this will only run once)
const pb = createMemo(() => new PocketBase(""));

createEffect(() => console.log(pb().authStore.model));

//store for auth token and user data
const [{ token, model }, setState] = createStore({
model: pb().authStore.model,
token: pb().authStore.token,

//subscribing to changes on the authStore so that it updates the solid store
createEffect(() => {
pb().authStore.onChange((tok, mod) => {
setState(reconcile({ model: mod, token: tok }));
console.log("authStore changed: ", model);
return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={{ token, model }}>

export function useAuth() {
return useContext(AuthContext);
const AuthContext = createContext<
{ token: string; model: AuthModel } | string

export function AuthProvider(props: { children: JSX.Element }) {
//kind of a singleton, supposedly (in my mind, as this will only run once)
const pb = createMemo(() => new PocketBase(""));

createEffect(() => console.log(pb().authStore.model));

//store for auth token and user data
const [{ token, model }, setState] = createStore({
model: pb().authStore.model,
token: pb().authStore.token,

//subscribing to changes on the authStore so that it updates the solid store
createEffect(() => {
pb().authStore.onChange((tok, mod) => {
setState(reconcile({ model: mod, token: tok }));
console.log("authStore changed: ", model);
return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={{ token, model }}>

export function useAuth() {
return useContext(AuthContext);
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3 Replies
gmnss191710mo ago
PS: I wrapped my Routes with the AuthProvider
mdynnl10mo ago
1. you don't need createMemo, createEffect here as pocketbase is external to solid and doesn't(just a hunch) use any solid primitives(signals, memo) 2. don't destructure store { token, model } (also applies to useAuth's return) 3. instead directly pass the state (store) to context 4. also a good practice to unsub using onCleanup 5. reconcile might be unnecessary if model is a completely different object, doing setState({ model: mod, token: tok }) should replace the old one with the new one completely
gmnss191710mo ago
thanks for the help bruv it seems to working now !
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