Form not rendering after source connection change

I have agrid and i've connected to a Form to prefill fields depending on seleceted row, but properties do get changed, while the values don't so the form doesn't change. Any way to force value change as well, not just properties?
7 Replies
My_Name_Is_Shef10mo ago
Also loading gets stuck in true/false exchange loop
rubenf10mo ago
Could you send a minimal reproduction app please I was actually to find out the reason about a cyclical loop I just fixed it as to forcing the args:
setValue('a', {first_name: 33})
setValue('a', {first_name: 33})
My_Name_Is_Shef10mo ago
@rubenf Any way to force in in the inlinescript where i take the data from the row, and parse it into property or I need to create a new backrgournd runnable that would get trigered on row change and force update values
rubenf10mo ago
I advise new bg script
My_Name_Is_Shef10mo ago
Also forms not having the porperties when nothing is selected, not even null or undefined is intended behavior? I think being able to trigger on properties change would work the best.
rubenf10mo ago
i don't follow
My_Name_Is_Shef10mo ago
Oh no, it's fine, prpperties are in result But it would be nice if the default value on a property is changed to force change the value, or add a "value" field in property for forcing.