C#ā€¢10mo ago

ā” post req controller

[HttpPost] public IActionResult StockData(string stockTicker){ _logger.LogInformation("StockData action invoked with stockTicker: {StockTicker}", stockTicker); return View("Privacy"); } no errors but the url doesn't change when return View happens
47 Replies
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
and the logInformation print are good
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
Why would the URL change?
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
still here? made significant changes now and so
"use strict";

$("#getStockPriceBtn").click(function () {
var stockTicker = $("#stockTicker").val();

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/Home/StockData", false); // Third parameter is "false" for synchronous request
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");

var formData = "stockTicker=" + encodeURIComponent(stockTicker);

try {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
// Navigate to Privacy only after the synchronous request completes
// window.location.href = '/Home/Privacy';
} else {
console.error("Error:", xhr.statusText);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
"use strict";

$("#getStockPriceBtn").click(function () {
var stockTicker = $("#stockTicker").val();

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/Home/StockData", false); // Third parameter is "false" for synchronous request
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");

var formData = "stockTicker=" + encodeURIComponent(stockTicker);

try {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
// Navigate to Privacy only after the synchronous request completes
// window.location.href = '/Home/Privacy';
} else {
console.error("Error:", xhr.statusText);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
public IActionResult StockData(string stockTicker){
_logger.LogInformation("StockData action invoked with stockTicker: {StockTicker}", stockTicker);

return RedirectToAction("Privacy");
public IActionResult StockData(string stockTicker){
_logger.LogInformation("StockData action invoked with stockTicker: {StockTicker}", stockTicker);

return RedirectToAction("Privacy");
there is no url redirection in the controller when i test
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
XHR šŸ’€ So, uh, I haven't used XHR since the early 2000s, do you... get the data returned from the request anywhere? Because, yeah, the API controller redirects to another one But that won't reload the page or anything like that
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
doesn't have to be XHR
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
I mean, XHR or not, just hitting up a controller that redirects somewhere will have no effect on your frontend
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Basically I'm trying to do server side redirect or change to another view Oh wut Maybe I don't understand how this stuff works
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
So how does return view work then
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
If everything is rendered server-side, then yes, redirecting to a different controller will actually navigate to that different controller But when you call a controller from Javascript, it can be redirecting 172 times And the JS code will follow, yeah But the page showed in the browser will not
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Ah so do the redirection in controller and uh js also?
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
JS is specifically used to avoid having to reload the page
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
As a side note, yeah, XHR is a relic of the past Use fetch unless you have a gun to your head
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Lol I tried xhr for synchronus What's better Asynchronus js or synchronous js
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
If something can be done asynchronously it's probably for good reason
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
So it's not needed?
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
What's not needed? Asynchronous code? It probably is needed Going out of your way to use decades-old technology just to force something to be synchronous? Unnecessary and outright detrimental
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Oh lol But also what I don't understand is If client is doing post req to server And server is returning viee How come the client view doesn't update
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
Because it's the JS code that runs the request and receives the response Not the browser You can think of it like the Javascript code opening a hidden browser window in the background
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Not sure what that really means You're saying it's the client doing it?
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
Yes Javascript makes requests in its own little world And gets them in their own little world And if you want any of that to influence what's shown in the broswer, you need to do that explicitly
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
So it's not possible to do whst I'm doing Well trying
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
Because... the controller redirects the javascript to a different view/controller/page/whatever It does not redirect the browser
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Oh bruh wth šŸ’€
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
If you want it to open a new page in the browser with new data and what not, just use a form
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
You got a YouTube video explaining that
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
As I said, JS is usef specifically to avoid reloading/redirecting/moving away from the current page
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Ohhh I get it's purpose now So what's the point of making a post to a controller
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
??? To... send data there?
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Yeah Just for storing? Like database
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
uh Yeah, for example
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
The reason why I wanted to do whst I wanted btw was to return the view with data Cause it'd be easy But ig I can use signal r for that
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
SignalR will work the same way an API would Just real-time
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Is there a better way to pass information to other views Without database
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
I mean, you can continue using the API But you will have to handle what it returns yourself Not count on the page updating automagically
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
What api Signalr?
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
No An API That you make yourself With controllers Like you have it now
public class WhateverController : ControllerBase
public ActionResult<string> PostData(int id, string name)
var str = $"There is {id} of {name}";
await File.WriteAllTextAsync("data.txt", str);
return Ok(str);
public class WhateverController : ControllerBase
public ActionResult<string> PostData(int id, string name)
var str = $"There is {id} of {name}";
await File.WriteAllTextAsync("data.txt", str);
return Ok(str);
<button id="btn">Click me!</button>
<input id="num" type="number" />
<input id="name" type="text" />
<div id="data"></div>
<button id="btn">Click me!</button>
<input id="num" type="number" />
<input id="name" type="text" />
<div id="data"></div>
const btn = document.getElementById('btn');
const num = document.getElementById('num');
const name = document.getElementById('name');
const data = document.getElementById('data');

btn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const res = await fetch('/whatever', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
id: num.value,
name: name.value

const data = await res.json();
data.innerText = data;
const btn = document.getElementById('btn');
const num = document.getElementById('num');
const name = document.getElementById('name');
const data = document.getElementById('data');

btn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const res = await fetch('/whatever', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
id: num.value,
name: name.value

const data = await res.json();
data.innerText = data;
Here's an example Now, mind you, I just wrote it here, on Discord, so it's untested and might contain errors lol
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Where do I save the data to
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
In this case, to a file
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
Ideally, to a database
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Ohhh yeah makes sense Ty for the understanding lol Would've never understood that can u help
Angiusā€¢10mo ago
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
0x05962ā€¢10mo ago
Viewbag being null in html but being aapl in the controller
Accordā€¢10mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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