C#9mo ago

❔ wpf can’t instantiate unknown type datatemplateselector

Screenshot 1 shows the datatemplateselector and the content of the resourcedictionary. Screenshot 2 is the resulting error Somehow it doesn’t find the type of my datatemplateselector. I checked all namespaces and typenames. Does someone spot what may be the issue here?
5 Replies
Azrael9mo ago
I can't read that.
Poller9mo ago
Can you specify what is unreadable? I checked the screenshots on my phone. The resolution is good.
Azrael9mo ago
The German text.
Poller9mo ago
Oh 😁 sorry. One moment System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: 'Cannot create line number '14' and line position '6' of 'The unknown type '{clr-namespace:smart.configurator.Modules.Configuration.Views.Detail.Generic}ViewItemTemplateSelector'. ".' XamlObjectWriterException: Line number "14" and line position "6" of "Unable to create unknown type '{clr-namespace:smart.configurator.Modules.Configuration.Views.Detail.Generic}ViewItemTemplateSelector'.".
Accord9mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.