Kysely9mo ago

Subquery on same table

I'm experimenting with how to improve the performance of some queries against a PlanetScale MySQL DB. I have a fulltext index on a field in a table, then some other indexes on various other fields. MySQL can't use two indexes for a query so I'd like to try including the section of the query that uses the fulltext column in a subquery but I'm struggling with the syntax The primary key of the table is activityId. Something like
SELECT * FROM activities
WHERE someCol = '123'
AND someOtherCol = 'abc
AND activityId IN
SELECT activityId FROM activities
MATCH(bigTextField) AGAINST ("*some text*" IN BOOLEAN MODE)
SELECT * FROM activities
WHERE someCol = '123'
AND someOtherCol = 'abc
AND activityId IN
SELECT activityId FROM activities
MATCH(bigTextField) AGAINST ("*some text*" IN BOOLEAN MODE)
but I'm struggling with the Kysely syntax to achieve this, can anyone please point me in the right description?
3 Replies
Ross9mo ago
I've managed to achieve it by using the sql tag like this:
sql`(SELECT activityId FROM activities WHERE MATCH(bigTextField) AGAINST (${value} IN BOOLEAN MODE))`,
sql`(SELECT activityId FROM activities WHERE MATCH(bigTextField) AGAINST (${value} IN BOOLEAN MODE))`,
but I reckon there must be a better way...
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Ross9mo ago
Thanks, I'll have a play with that
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