C#9mo ago

❔ What is the Best Way to convert the nested C# object to key value pair

I want to store the C# objects in MongoDB which can be dynamic nature in key value fashion like Attributes: [ { "key": "Name", "value": "Bob"}, {"key": "ID", "value": "123"..] my C# Class is like this public class Employee{ public string Name {get; set;} public string ID {get;set;} public Department Departments {get; set;} } public class Department{ public string Name {get; set;} public string Description {get; set;} } How can I represent the nexted C# object to key value json ? Any thoughts/suggestions ?
5 Replies
Angius9mo ago
Json.Serialize() it Ah, nevermind, you want to do some weird shit You could probably use reflections To turn your neat objects into this eldritch madness
ashokp9mo ago
ya I thought of that but when i start to dig into nested Types like Employee.Department i am not sure how should i represent this for the key may be my key can be "Employee.Department" but i want to make it easy to reconstruct to C# Type and work with it as well not sure what's the best way to do it so its easy to index in Mongo and also easy to read and convert back to C# object
Angius9mo ago
Doesn't Mongo driver just let you do _database.Orders.Add(person); and what not? Somehow I doubt you actually need to serialize everything manually to some demented JSON and save that in Mongo I know non-relational databases are bad, but I don't think they are this garbage
ashokp9mo ago
ya this is not domain related Data, want to capture the event data coming from external sources, I agree I have to serialize it manually and do something
Accord9mo ago
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