TyphonJSTyphonJS (Michael)

FQL / TextEditor enrichment issue

From @ooblekie:
can anyone give me a hand as to why the text keeps coming up as object promise in the quest log? it happens regardless of what text i put in and has only started to happen on my most recent foundry world. everything is up to date with the most recent version and i don't really know what else to try
TyphonJS (Michael)239d ago
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TyphonJS (Michael)239d ago
Initial request for information:
Hi @gebba. Strange indeed. Can you let me know your Foundry version and which game system / FQL version. The absolute latest FQL release is for v11 Foundry only. I have just tested w/ a new world w/ latest Foundry and D&D 5e system and don't see the same thing. Let me know the version numbers and details above. The code changes related to that potential result that you are seeing have been in the codebase for quite some time (Sept '22 / v10). In particular it is related to TextEditor enrichment going async / asynchronous, but this code has been working fine for a while. Once you provide the version numbers of what you are working with requested above perhaps that will give more insight on why this is occurring for you. The good thing about FQL is that it is widely used and v11 isn't new per se. If this was a widespread problem then it would have been reported by now; it is a strange occurrence. The only thing that comes to mind is that you are on v11, but have a significantly old version of FQL installed.
the foundry is on version 11 build 307, with with fql version being 0.7.12. it's working fine with my other world running pf2e and is only showing [object Promise] on my newest 5e one. cheers for the help
Hi @ooblekie. Not that this should matter, but start w/ installing Foundry v11 build 308. Also update the game system / dnd5e latest. Perhaps next make sure you disable all other modules except FQL and try to create a new quest. This is definitely odd as if this was a normal occurrence it would be highly reported. There aren't many reports of issues w/ FQL for quite some time. If you are running the latest version of Foundry and the dnd5e game system the only thing I can think of potentially is another module that does something awkward w/ overriding TextEditor / core Foundry API code. So disabling all other modules and testing again on your side is a reasonable step. I tested FQL earlier today w/ the latest versions of everything / dnd5e / new world and it worked fine, so this is a bit hard to verify when the problem isn't reproducible here. I can try and help though.
ooblekie239d ago
Yeah, it's a conflict with another module. Just gotta filter through them all to find which one. Thanks for the help
TyphonJS (Michael)239d ago
I can help file an issue w/ the offending module by taking a look at the modules source code and providing a more detailed issue report. Feel free to drop a note here when you find out which module it might be. A relatively quick way to do this is to disable half of the modules and test; then test the other half. Then repeat that process on the half that fails until you find it. Good luck!
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