GEON9mo ago

help with shipping

Hey! I want to order a fly daughterboard plus two cables but shipping to Poland is around 80$... any chance to look at it and send it with another way to get a cheaper shipping ?
2 Replies
joel.9mo ago
Unfortunately not. Since Geon owns his factories, they are located in Korea (A worthy tradeoff for the amount of QC and overall quality they can provide) so you will need to pay for shipping. Maybe you can look at used listing / second hand listing from sites in Poland, other than that I can't really think of anything
Ohm9mo ago
The Fly Daughterboard is open source made in collaboration with Wolf (PCB designer) who is in Belgium. Like some other Geon products and collabs, other sellers may carry them in your region which will help with shipping hopefully. I'd say reach out to Wolf via the site https://www.vwolf.be/ or his discord https://discord.gg/a5vuxv3KMN and see what places in EU may carry them