C#9mo ago

✅ Want to do some Gamedev, don't know what app to use

So, I know there's Unity, but, is there any other good game-Dev (apps?) that I can use C# in?
5 Replies
Angius9mo ago
Flax and Stride support C# There's also Godot And if you want to go a little lower, FNA and Monogame And I believe what you're looking for are "engines", not "apps"
Pesar9mo ago
I thought godot was some other language 2d something Yeah ty <:BL_PepeHeart:1142846257916809228>
Angius9mo ago
Godot is not a language It's an engine Mostly for 2D games, yes, but also has some 3D capabilities It does use GDScript as its default scripting language, yes, but also supports C#
Pesar9mo ago
Ah yeah gd script alright I'll check godot and the others out out ty
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