GEON9mo ago

Does Geon raw boards already have clear coat on them?

Was wondering if Geon raw boards have clear coat on them since the start, and if polishing it with polishing cloths like cape cod will affect it negatively in any way. (I have a raw F1-722 if thats relevant)
they are not coated
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3 Replies
fwog9mo ago
they are not coated
#59mo ago
if I understand correctly, the 722 alu is raw which means it’ll oxidize. If you use it without a clear coat, you’ll start seeing oxidation spots/patches. the polishing won’t last, clear coat is the way to go.
Greg Talks
Greg Talks9mo ago
If you want to minimize oxidation from finger prints or oils, just wipe it down periodically with Lysol wipes, and when it begins to oxidize too much, you need to sand it with a high grit then polish