✅ Project A sees one class in Project B, but not both (C#)

I have two C# projects. In one, I declare two classes. One just derives from the other and adds some extra fields. The other project needs to use those classes. The dependant project can reference the base class just fine. But not the derived class. For that, VS 2022 Community insists the derived class doesn't exist. What gives? I keep checking the dependancy references. Those are good.
private readonly System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<string, Data.Defs.UserNetwork>
mapAllNetworksSortedByName = new();

private readonly System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<string, Data.Defs.Network>
mapAllPredefinedNetworksSortedByName = new();
private readonly System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<string, Data.Defs.UserNetwork>
mapAllNetworksSortedByName = new();

private readonly System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<string, Data.Defs.Network>
mapAllPredefinedNetworksSortedByName = new();
namespace BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs
public class UserNetwork : Network
namespace BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs
public class UserNetwork : Network
namespace BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs
public class Network
namespace BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs
public class Network
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2 Replies
try to dotnet build your project instead of compiling from vs, sometimes looking at the compiler output directly you can see some more descriptive messages if you write just UserNetwork instead of Data.Defs.UserNetwork does vs give you a hint? does it search for the class? did you search if there is another UserNetwork class in the project?
Will Pittenger
Will Pittenger9mo ago
Well, I was needing to move the folder for where the dependant project was at. That fixed it. I had to recreate the project reference, but that was it.