C#8mo ago
sunny innit

✅ trying to run NAudio to run a .wav file while running my code. But it is not working.

Anyone here who is good at that?
11 Replies
sunny innit
sunny innit8mo ago
BlazeBin - sblijawlrtjr
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
sunny innit
sunny innit8mo ago
here's my code
Pobiega8mo ago
MODiX8mo ago
How to get the best help catpog Make a post in #help or one of the topic channels under Development. Avoid askingcatthinking Can anybody help catthinking Has anyone used catthinking Why doesn't my code work? C# is a big area! No one knows they can help unless you tell them about the small area you're trying to work in. Explain what you are doing, and potentially why for as much context as possible. Avoid screenshots where possible, share code directly in Discord. Type $code into chat to learn how to post code. See https://www.nohello.net and https://dontasktoask.com if you want common help chat room etiquette.
Pobiega8mo ago
Can you at least indicate where in your 500 line file the audio code is?
Jimmacle8mo ago
i think i see the problem nowhere in your entire program do you use the NAudio library i see nothing related to loading or playing audio in this code also, as a side note your use of inheritance is kind of questionable here
sunny innit
sunny innit8mo ago
Im very new to C# and this was more a school project that was supposed to be very basic i went further with it here's the code i worked with i made sound work but something else broke XD the text
sunny innit
sunny innit8mo ago
BlazeBin - gqhxlficvjdo
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
sunny innit
sunny innit8mo ago
Im in my first month of my fullstack .net education so im very new to all of this @Pobiega @Jimmacle the sound thingies is early on in the code
Jimmacle8mo ago
if the sound is working then we don't really need to look at it then what do you mean by "the text is broken"
sunny innit
sunny innit8mo ago
its not really broken; the issue im facing now is that while the sound is playing it doesnt print out text I fixed it!!!!! omg this is so much fun