C#8mo ago

❔ running an mvc in .net framework(not core) whose output type is a library?

How to do it? I get ""Unable to run your project. The "RunCommand" property is not defined."" https://github.com/MiniProfiler/dotnet/tree/main/samples/Samples.Mvc5 This is the one.
dotnet/samples/Samples.Mvc5 at main · MiniProfiler/dotnet
A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET (and Core) websites - MiniProfiler/dotnet
10 Replies
KidKai258mo ago
what is project system>
cap5lut8mo ago
if i remember correctly, for the framework ASP.NET stuff (this includes MVC), u need to either set up a site in the IIS or IIS Express. So if open it in Visual Studio and have the web development workload installed, there should be some start button drop down where u can select IIS Express or something similar
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cap5lut8mo ago
never heard of "project system", only "project settings"
KidKai258mo ago
yes but it doesn't comes up has to do with project using sdk
cap5lut8mo ago
well, worst case u can simply build it and set up iis, i guess
KidKai258mo ago
build it and use its dll?
KidKai258mo ago
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KidKai258mo ago
cap5lut8mo ago
whats in the web browser sub menu?
Accord8mo ago
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