C#8mo ago

❔ homework

drawing memory
29 Replies
randomokay8mo ago
they want me to draw the memory after running the Three t command
randomokay8mo ago
i cant figure it out even with the answer i start with class three : one right?
Pobiega8mo ago
oh, you're supposed to graphically represent the objects and their references?
randomokay8mo ago
ye how do i start
Pobiega8mo ago
Three makes sense, since that is your entrypoint, and also the only class with only 1 instance I'd start with drawing three and the two fields inside it.
randomokay8mo ago
Ok p = new Two(new One(), 1); the first command what do they mean with new One
Anu6is8mo ago
the new keyword creates an instance of a class.... in this case One
randomokay8mo ago
it refers to class one right
Anu6is8mo ago
because the constructor for Two expects a One and an int yes, it creates an instance of class one
randomokay8mo ago
but what does the , 1 mean
Anu6is8mo ago
public Two(One b, int c)
//code here
public Two(One b, int c)
//code here
randomokay8mo ago
Anu6is8mo ago
that's the constructor for two
randomokay8mo ago
but class three : one cant access class two?
Anu6is8mo ago
what do you mean by can't access it exactly?
randomokay8mo ago
its in a different class
Anu6is8mo ago
Two and Three are classes you can't really say Two is "in" a different class... it is a class of its own
randomokay8mo ago
ye but dont i need a reference to access information about class two
Anu6is8mo ago
so you are creating an instance of class two
randomokay8mo ago
like with inheritance i can access information about class 1
Anu6is8mo ago
you aren't yet acessing information about it this isn't accessing anything, it's creating
randomokay8mo ago
oh oke
Anu6is8mo ago
again, the new key word creates an instance of a class so new Two(...) is creating a instance of Two
randomokay8mo ago
what does it take as argument p = new Two(new One(), 1); for this one it takes int c = 1 and b = new One?
Anu6is8mo ago
randomokay8mo ago
ah i think i get it now thanks for the help
Accord8mo ago
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