C#8mo ago

❔ How to access image scanning physical device?

I want to create a tool that the user can use to scan images through his scanner and after finishing adding let's say 5 images he can sort them then finally printing them as a one pdf file. how would I access the scanner directly from blazor?
4 Replies
Pobiega8mo ago
you wouldn't blazor is a web app scanners are physical devices
محمد8mo ago
hmmmm. I am currently using a javascript library to achieve this. it is a proprietary library so I am not sure how they accomplished it. I am just assuming I can achieve the same using blazor? isn't there a way to access the user OS scanner control?
Pobiega8mo ago
idk, it would be through the browser API surface somehow then if it works with JS it should be technically possible but still, its... iffy
Accord8mo ago
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