TyphonJSTyphonJS (Michael)

Setting up TRL / contributing to existing module (Item Piles)

Hi @Paith. I have started this forum post where we can continue to discuss setting up TRL and getting you on the path to potentially investigating / contributing to Item Piles. I'm going to include @Wasp as well who develops / maintains Item Piles. Lots to potentially discuss and I'm definitely keen to help. Check the pins in #welcome for an overview on TRL and various additional / demo resources that are available. Getting your developer setup via Node / NPM will be the first thing to make sure you have sorted.
Paith187d ago
I got it running locally instead of the module installer so I can play wiht it now
TyphonJS (Michael)187d ago
Excellent. What is your developer background? What IDE are you using?
Personally I use WebStorm and think it's super strong when it comes to working w/ Foundry as it's very easy to setup linking the Foundry client source code for intellisense and debugging. This helps tremendously when being able to get introspection into how Foundry works and immediately be able to jump to the Foundry client code. You can also link the Item Piles source code and set break points in any module or system easily. Being new to the platform has many challenges. TRL / TyphonJS Runtime Library that I put out is something I've been working on full time since Oct '21, so there is a lot there as well. Each developer though will have varying levels of code quality and I haven't worked w/ Item Piles. It's super awesome, but you might come across some complex code in relation to Foundry for your first experience diving in... I CCed Wasp on this forum post, so perhaps you can mention what you are interested in investigating and he can point you to more info or perhaps an even better place to hold such a conversation.
Wasp187d ago
Yeah, Item Piles has slowly turned into bit of a spaghetti fest in regards to its custom stores, as I was, once again, learning as I went 😄 I've pointed Paith in the right directions in regards to how I handle system-specific implementations, and I think Paith's got a handle on it!
Paith187d ago
Long long time ago (10+ years) I went to school for webdesign and programming, learned VB, C#, C++, Java as well as the stuff needed for web design, but t hings have changed since then and its all muddled in this old mans brain now. Most of my html/js/css I do in visual studio code
TyphonJS (Michael)187d ago
Lots of folks use VSCode as it's free, but it can be a challenge to set up effectively for Foundry development. I don't think there is any specific guide on best practices in this regard either. There has been a tremendous amount of change in the past 10 years re: web technologies. TRL / framework that I've put together is using the latest build resources (Vite) and Svelte (reactive library) plus a lot of other best in class libraries under the hood. The nice thing about TRL is that it brings all of these resources together in an organized manner and handles deep integration aspects w/ the Foundry platform for reactivity out of the box. Right on.. No worries of course; I just brought that up lightly as Item Piles could be difficult to examine as an introduction to Foundry itself and I believe you mentioned as much previously. 😄 In time I'm sure it'll get a refactor; probably best to see what Svelte 5 brings to the table first though. @Paith if you do start digging into things and like the Svelte / TRL approach in general check out the pin in #welcome for other resources to set up. It's also highly recommended to work through the Svelte interactive tutorial to get a better understanding of how it works: https://learn.svelte.dev/tutorial/welcome-to-svelte and checking out the demo repo essential-svelte-esm: https://github.com/typhonjs-fvtt-demo/essential-svelte-esm. Feel free to ask questions in #dev-lounge or make additional forum posts on specific topics that may have a longer discourse.
Paith187d ago
will do
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