C#8mo ago

✅ Async app initialization fails

Hi, I tried to upgrade my app initialization steps by making them async, but I am stuck with errors I don't truly understand.
1 Reply
Ikarmus8mo ago
public partial class App : Application
internal static bool IsInitialized = false;

public App()

MainPage = new MainNavigationPage();

internal static async Task Initialization()
await CheckFirstRun();
IsInitialized = true;
public partial class App : Application
internal static bool IsInitialized = false;

public App()

MainPage = new MainNavigationPage();

internal static async Task Initialization()
await CheckFirstRun();
IsInitialized = true;
Initialization() is called from MainNavigationPage Appearing event, because that's first place I can run async code
public partial class MainNavigationPage : NavigationPage
public MapDisplayPage mapDisplay;
private Page newPage;

public MainNavigationPage()
mapDisplay = new();
Appearing += MainNavigationPage_Appearing;
newPage = new MapPickerPage();

private async void MainNavigationPage_Appearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!App.IsInitialized)
await App.Initialization();

await mapDisplay.UpdateDisplay();
await Navigation.PushAsync(newPage);
public partial class MainNavigationPage : NavigationPage
public MapDisplayPage mapDisplay;
private Page newPage;

public MainNavigationPage()
mapDisplay = new();
Appearing += MainNavigationPage_Appearing;
newPage = new MapPickerPage();

private async void MainNavigationPage_Appearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!App.IsInitialized)
await App.Initialization();

await mapDisplay.UpdateDisplay();
await Navigation.PushAsync(newPage);
I observed code failing somewhere about CopyToAsync
internal static async Task<bool> SaveFileAsync(Stream content, string filename, bool isUserChoosingLocation = false, string initialPath = null)
initialPath ??= FileSystem.AppDataDirectory;
if (!filename.StartsWith('\\'))
filename = '\\' + filename;

if (!isUserChoosingLocation)
var opts = new FileStreamOptions()
Mode = FileMode.CreateNew,
Access = FileAccess.Write
var x = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(initialPath + filename), opts);

await content.CopyToAsync(x.BaseStream);
return true;

#pragma warning disable CA1416 // Validate platform compatibility (Android >= 26)
var saveResult = await fileSaver.SaveAsync(FileSystem.AppDataDirectory, filename, content, default);
return saveResult.IsSuccessful;
#pragma warning restore CA1416 // Validate platform compatibility
internal static async Task<bool> SaveFileAsync(Stream content, string filename, bool isUserChoosingLocation = false, string initialPath = null)
initialPath ??= FileSystem.AppDataDirectory;
if (!filename.StartsWith('\\'))
filename = '\\' + filename;

if (!isUserChoosingLocation)
var opts = new FileStreamOptions()
Mode = FileMode.CreateNew,
Access = FileAccess.Write
var x = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(initialPath + filename), opts);

await content.CopyToAsync(x.BaseStream);
return true;

#pragma warning disable CA1416 // Validate platform compatibility (Android >= 26)
var saveResult = await fileSaver.SaveAsync(FileSystem.AppDataDirectory, filename, content, default);
return saveResult.IsSuccessful;
#pragma warning restore CA1416 // Validate platform compatibility
I tried to execute Task.Run( async () => await Initialization()); in App constructor Tried to Wait() and GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Result property as well I need to execute this method before my App.MainPage gets assigned (also can't do it outside ctor) I'm kinda stuck because I don't want to revert my changes to previous commit better is the enemy of good Ok actually some other operation were blocking the UI
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