C#8mo ago

❔ Excell send to API

This is my first job and they have some class that creates an Excel file and instead saving it I want to send it to API I'm not sure how I should transform excel to Json without using errplus or other libraries. Is it okay to just send it as a excell how would I approach that?
4 Replies
Jimmacle8mo ago
Is it okay to just send it as a excell
this will depend on the requirements for your task, we can't tell you that are you also responsible for designing the endpoint that receives the data? how will it be stored on the server? what needs to be done with the data after it's uploaded? i wouldn't use excel files to transfer data unless the purpose is literally to put an excel file on the server to download again later
sabaisabai8mo ago
So I don't have specifics yet but I was trying to figure it out as I was told that one of my task will be changing method which export excel to API whatever that means Like I have in my job just one senior dev and me in 10people it department in some small corpo. And the guy who gave me a tasks today isn't a programmer just understanding some basic stuff is it normal?
Jimmacle8mo ago
i mean, normal is relative but i'm the only dev at my job and get requirements from end users too without knowing anything else about the task, i would assume you'll end up changing the code to serialize the data to JSON or similar format and not touch excel formats at all
Accord8mo ago
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