C#8mo ago

❔ Hi im trying to figure out something without knowing the terminolagy

Hi im mamking a mod for a videogame and they refered me over here as i dono the terms to let me clearly comunicate my issue. Im mainly looking for somethign effective to reverse engineer so i can learn by doing with no guidance as thats the only way i can learn but i cant seem to find an example code to read and understand. is anyone able to help with comunications about C#?
44 Replies
Buddy8mo ago
What game is it?
Ventingstars8mo ago
I have comunication and learning disabilities so its hard to figure out with others help terraria is the game
Ventingstars8mo ago
yes iv already done that i cant learn the same as others so im trying to find ways that work for me
Buddy8mo ago
Well, reading or watching youtube is the only way.
Ventingstars8mo ago
my doing and observing the interaction is how iv figured it out so far
Buddy8mo ago
"Something effective to reverse engineer" what exactly? The game? A tool? The mod loader? What?
Ventingstars8mo ago
i dono id figure they would have an example code i can work with
Buddy8mo ago
They do.
Ventingstars8mo ago
for my specific inquiry? i havnt found it yet
Buddy8mo ago
If you read the link I posted, they have one if you scroll down. I would however redirect you to TModLoaders discord if they have one.
Ventingstars8mo ago
they sent me here
Buddy8mo ago
If this is about TModLoaders API, then this is not it.
Ventingstars8mo ago
tmodloader api? again comunication issues i just know they sent me here
Buddy8mo ago
API (Application Programming Interface)
Ventingstars8mo ago
still dono wat thats refering to im not great with words thats why i was looking for an example of the specific thing im looking for that isnt covered by those tutorials heck to get a single number i had to decompile the intire game because its not listed anywere
Buddy8mo ago
This discord is not specific towards Terraria modding, hence why many here do not know about the specifics.
Ventingstars8mo ago
i dono abot the specifics ither
Buddy8mo ago
You do however must specify what you want to achieve $ask
MODiX8mo ago
How to get the best help catpog Make a post in #help or one of the topic channels under Development. Avoid askingcatthinking Can anybody help catthinking Has anyone used catthinking Why doesn't my code work? C# is a big area! No one knows they can help unless you tell them about the small area you're trying to work in. Explain what you are doing, and potentially why for as much context as possible. Avoid screenshots where possible, share code directly in Discord. Type $code into chat to learn how to post code. See https://www.nohello.net and https://dontasktoask.com if you want common help chat room etiquette.
Ventingstars8mo ago
i want to make an animation stop when the things idleing any animation dosnt have to be just terraria i asked for help there but they couldnt help me at all
Buddy8mo ago
It depends as mentioned before, how it is structured. Does it use a state machine, and so forth.
Ventingstars8mo ago
whats a state machine? again terms arnt good for me
Buddy8mo ago
A state machine is like a traffic light, it can be in one of a few predefined states (red, green, yellow) and transitions between them based on rules or conditions. So one state can be idle, the other can be moving and the last can be falling. It just acts upon these states.
Ventingstars8mo ago
Buddy8mo ago
States are specific conditions or situations.
Ventingstars8mo ago
conditions? situations?> again i dono ther term i just know the things the terms are relating to communication issues
Buddy8mo ago
Either way, no. Your only option is to read or watch. If you want to dissect the game (Terraria) or TModLoader you can use DnSpyEx (if you are allowed to). DnSpyEx is a free tool on github I will not link it, but you can search it up.
Ventingstars8mo ago
sigh iv done that already too or somethign the same still nothing
Buddy8mo ago
Then I suggest just learning by doing, use the code completion in Visual Studio 2022 Community You will get there eventually, a masterpiece does not take a day.
Ventingstars8mo ago
so theres no answers here
Buddy8mo ago
Not from me at least, as you seem to have tried things that will get you there.
Ventingstars8mo ago
thanks at least for trying its so hard to just find some code that does a thing
Buddy8mo ago
If reading and watching is not an option, then I can't really suggest anything. That does not mean others will not! I am not a teacher either. I'm a student, possibly just like you. I have never done Terraria modding so I don't know the outs and ins of it.
Ventingstars8mo ago
apparently they arnt willing to help they sent me over here to learn C# first but i can only learn by doing it first its a bad situation to be
Buddy8mo ago
Learning by doing is great too! And yes, I do recommend you learn C# first.
Ventingstars8mo ago
but what is doing in this context as that what i was asking about i am learning thats why im asking questions
Buddy8mo ago
You have a ton of project ideas to go from here $projects
MODiX8mo ago
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills: https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet-console-games https://github.com/karan/Projects https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas
Buddy8mo ago
And microsoft has a lesson teaching C# $helloworld
Buddy8mo ago
It is interactive.
Ventingstars8mo ago
i have lerning disabilities and cant learn through those methods i have to learn via my own methods unfortunetly terraria modding didnt click for me untill i did complicated stuff the simple stuff was too confusing so im just trying to find code to work with sorry im just lost on terms how do i know what people are talking about since i cant learn the terms
Accord8mo ago
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