C#8mo ago

c# class

Extreme newbie question here. I want to use a foreach loop to Console.WriteLine all the objects. But how to i turn the "blog1, blog2 and blog3" into "blog" so that i could use the foreach loop?
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6 Replies
JakenVeina8mo ago
well, how does a foreach loop work? what does it need?
Paulvv8mo ago
a list of items
JakenVeina8mo ago
how do you create a list of items?
Paulvv8mo ago
Got it working. I struggled with how list worked.
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JakenVeina8mo ago
perfect only thing I would do differently is make that an array
var blogs = new[]
var blogs = new[]
slightly more efficient List<T> will almost certainly allocate more memory than you actually need to store 3 references although, you can get around that by constructing the list with a specific capacity
var blogs = new List(capacity: 3)
var blogs = new List(capacity: 3)
but the array version is a little bit cleaner
Paulvv8mo ago
Thanks for the help!
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