FK identifier will be truncated... how to specify my own?

Im running into a warning because the FK constraint identifier is too long and will be automatically truncated. I would prefer to specify my own indentifier instead of it getting truncated... Is there a way to achieve this? any help is appreciated! ❤️
5 Replies
zej8mo ago
Here is the exact warning:
severity_local: 'NOTICE',
severity: 'NOTICE',
code: '42622',
message: 'identifier "very_long_id_fk" will be truncated to "very_lon"',
where: 'SQL statement ...',
file: 'scansup.c',
line: '99',
routine: 'truncate_identifier'
severity_local: 'NOTICE',
severity: 'NOTICE',
code: '42622',
message: 'identifier "very_long_id_fk" will be truncated to "very_lon"',
where: 'SQL statement ...',
file: 'scansup.c',
line: '99',
routine: 'truncate_identifier'
Angelelz8mo ago
I think the ability the name our oen FK is comming. This problem will be no more
zej8mo ago
awesome! ty
Radu5mo ago
any fix for this?
baronnoraz5mo ago
This works for me using MySQL and Drizzle...
export const userAccount = mysqlTable(
id: bigint('id', { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
userId: bigint('user_id', { mode: 'number' }).notNull(),
type: varchar('type', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
salt: varchar('salt', { length: 128 }).notNull(),
password: varchar('password', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
(ua) => {
return {
userIdIndex: index('ix_user_account_user_id').on(ua.userId),
typeIndex: index('ix_user_account_type').on(ua.type),
userIdTypeIndex: uniqueIndex('ux_user_account_user_id_type').on(ua.userId, ua.type),
userForeignKey: foreignKey({
columns: [ua.userId],
foreignColumns: [],
name: 'fk_user_account_user_id'
export const userAccount = mysqlTable(
id: bigint('id', { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
userId: bigint('user_id', { mode: 'number' }).notNull(),
type: varchar('type', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
salt: varchar('salt', { length: 128 }).notNull(),
password: varchar('password', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
(ua) => {
return {
userIdIndex: index('ix_user_account_user_id').on(ua.userId),
typeIndex: index('ix_user_account_type').on(ua.type),
userIdTypeIndex: uniqueIndex('ux_user_account_user_id_type').on(ua.userId, ua.type),
userForeignKey: foreignKey({
columns: [ua.userId],
foreignColumns: [],
name: 'fk_user_account_user_id'