C#7mo ago

✅ New to wpf and need some help with architecture.

I have a game-listener that gets new information every second. I crreate an instance and start the listener when the wpf application starts(this is done in the app.xaml.cs). This game listener class has a eventhandler that sends back the GameState(all useful data from the game). Now my question is how to make the wpf side. I want to expose this data to the main window and keep it rendering when the data changes.
6 Replies
Bailey7mo ago
Search on the internet how to use a background worker for the data and search for events. You can trigger an event to update the window
JakenVeina7mo ago
I.E. you're building a reactive application, so start by looking at ReactiveExtensions and ReactiveUI
Ernoi7mo ago
Do you have a good read or video about it?
JakenVeina7mo ago
funny you should mention..
JakenVeina7mo ago
Release Workshop Recording · JakenVeina/Battleship.NET
This is an edited recording of the workshop that was hosted in https://discord.gg/csharp, demonstrating this codebase.
Accord7mo ago
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