โ” Need help creating a System using C# and SQL.

i got a project, i need to make a Bookshop Management System using C# and SQL. a simple one. (had to edit cause they changed the topic)
17 Replies
SinFluxxโ€ข8mo ago
You'll need to give details on which specific point you're stuck on/show what you've got at the moment so people can help
Angiusโ€ข8mo ago
Do you need help with anything specific, or is it a "do the assignment for me plz" kind of a post?
Accordโ€ข8mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
no. i just need help with coding. i have alredy created the GUI for the system. i can do the SQL almost. i just need some help witht he code
Angiusโ€ข7mo ago
With what specifically?
i want show recently added books or stationaries here. i have not yet started the SQL because i think i should finish the gui first since it will make it easier for me to know what to do. to do this. what should i add here. like a specific box or ?
Angiusโ€ข7mo ago
Could use a listbox, for example
will that work with the SQL since it will have to show the recently added books and stationery
Angiusโ€ข7mo ago
You will get those books with SQL and feed that data into the listbox
i wanna add books and stationery here. Problem 1: i dont have enough space and i dont know how to extend this and do because if i extend it the gui will be messed up. Problem 2: when adding if the stationery fields are empty will it cause a problem and add empty fields to the SQL. if not will it mess up the entier SQL.
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Angiusโ€ข7mo ago
Problem 1: use multiple pages, you don't need to cram everything on a single screen. Or some sort of a scrollview that will let you scroll inside of the window. Problem 2: validate the input
how to add a scroll view is it called VScrollBar?
i think i got it. but now i dont know how to scroll down nor i can access the space down there. and when i hit start and try to scoll the Scroll bar works but doesnt scroll down
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