C#•7mo ago

Entity Framework Core One-to-One Relationship => Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint

public class TaskEmployee
public int TaskEmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
public class TaskEmployee
public int TaskEmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
public class Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address? Address { get; set; }
public int TaskEmployeeeId { get; set; }
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }
public class Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address? Address { get; set; }
public int TaskEmployeeeId { get; set; }
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }
public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }
public int TaskEmployeeeId { get; set; }
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }
public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }
public int TaskEmployeeeId { get; set; }
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }
So I want relations that TaskEmployee has one Shop and one Employee and in DataContext I have this:
public modelBuilder.Entity<TaskEmployee>()
.HasOne(h => h.Employee)
.WithOne(h => h.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<Employee>(h => h.EmployeeId);

.HasOne(h => h.Shop)
.WithOne(h => h.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<Shop>(h => h.ShopId);
public modelBuilder.Entity<TaskEmployee>()
.HasOne(h => h.Employee)
.WithOne(h => h.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<Employee>(h => h.EmployeeId);

.HasOne(h => h.Shop)
.WithOne(h => h.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<Shop>(h => h.ShopId);

and error during update database: Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_TaskEmployees_Shops_TaskEmployeeId' on table 'TaskEmployees' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints. Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.
5 Replies
Anu6is•7mo ago
public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }
public int TaskEmployeeeId { get; set; }
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }
public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }
public int TaskEmployeeeId { get; set; }
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }
why are you adding a foreign key to the shop here?
fright•7mo ago
relations one-to-many Shop with many Employee modelBuilder.Entity<Employee>() .HasOne(h => h.Shop) .WithMany(h => h.Employees) .HasForeignKey(h => h.ShopId) .IsRequired(); I remeber that I had problem also with this any suggestion ? 😦
Anu6is•7mo ago
what do you actually want as the end goal? a shop has many employees an employee has one shop and the employee has one task?
fright•7mo ago
I want TaskEmployee has one Shop and one Employe
Anu6is•7mo ago
public class Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address? Address { get; set; }

// Navigation property for one-to-many relationship
public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }

// Foreign key property for the many-to-one relationship with Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the many-to-one relationship with Shop
public Shop Shop { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the one-to-one relationship with TaskEmployee
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }

public class TaskEmployee
public int TaskEmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }

// Foreign key property for the one-to-one relationship with Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

// Foreign key property for the one-to-one relationship with Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }

// Navigation properties
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }

// Your DbContext class
.HasOne(e => e.Shop)
.WithMany(s => s.Employees)
.HasForeignKey(e => e.ShopId);

.HasOne(te => te.Employee)
.WithOne(e => e.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<TaskEmployee>(te => te.EmployeeId);

.HasOne(te => te.Shop)
.WithOne(s => s.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<TaskEmployee>(te => te.ShopId);
public class Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address? Address { get; set; }

// Navigation property for one-to-many relationship
public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }

// Foreign key property for the many-to-one relationship with Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the many-to-one relationship with Shop
public Shop Shop { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the one-to-one relationship with TaskEmployee
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }

public class TaskEmployee
public int TaskEmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }

// Foreign key property for the one-to-one relationship with Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

// Foreign key property for the one-to-one relationship with Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }

// Navigation properties
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
public Shop Shop { get; set; }

// Your DbContext class
.HasOne(e => e.Shop)
.WithMany(s => s.Employees)
.HasForeignKey(e => e.ShopId);

.HasOne(te => te.Employee)
.WithOne(e => e.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<TaskEmployee>(te => te.EmployeeId);

.HasOne(te => te.Shop)
.WithOne(s => s.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<TaskEmployee>(te => te.ShopId);
not 100% sure but something like that maybe ... i still don't thing you need to explicitly define TaskEmployee has one Shop and one Employee
public class Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address? Address { get; set; }

// Navigation property for one-to-many relationship
public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }

// Foreign key property
public int ShopId { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the many-to-one relationship with Shop
public Shop Shop { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the one-to-one relationship with Task
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }

public class TaskEmployee
public int TaskEmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }

// Foreign key property
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the one-to-one relationship with Employee
public Employee Employee { get; set; }

.HasOne(e => e.Shop)
.WithMany(s => s.Employees)
.HasForeignKey(e => e.ShopId);

.HasOne(te => te.Employee)
.WithOne(e => e.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<TaskEmployee>(te => te.EmployeeId);
public class Shop
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address? Address { get; set; }

// Navigation property for one-to-many relationship
public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public EmployeePosition EmployeePosition { get; set; }

// Foreign key property
public int ShopId { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the many-to-one relationship with Shop
public Shop Shop { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the one-to-one relationship with Task
public TaskEmployee TaskEmployee { get; set; }

public class TaskEmployee
public int TaskEmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }

// Foreign key property
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

// Navigation property for the one-to-one relationship with Employee
public Employee Employee { get; set; }

.HasOne(e => e.Shop)
.WithMany(s => s.Employees)
.HasForeignKey(e => e.ShopId);

.HasOne(te => te.Employee)
.WithOne(e => e.TaskEmployee)
.HasForeignKey<TaskEmployee>(te => te.EmployeeId);
I feel like this would have worked without the explicit taskemployee to shop link, since the employee is already linked to the shop