SolidJS•7mo ago

Using Show with createRouteData / useRouteDat

Currently have a project setup with SolidStart, renderStream, and using createRouteData and useRouteData, my issue comes in when I want to use <Show>, I was using this on my original project which was using createResource but since I'm porting to SolidStart I figured I'd use their APIs, and now I'm getting a Hydration issue if I try to use <Show> but works fine if I just use <Suspense>
3 Replies
bigmistqke 🌈
bigmistqke 🌈•7mo ago
but since I'm porting to SolidStart I figured I'd use their APIs
Suspense works in-browser and on server it's made exactly for these kind of stuff
bigmistqke 🌈
bigmistqke 🌈•7mo ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ1zn7cdtyU&t=16s is a nice lecture on suspense and how it works as a glue between client and server
Christian•7mo ago
Ahhhh that makes a whole lot more sense I never considered that I needed to suspend both client and server which explains the suspense use case, thanks for that explanation
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