C#7mo ago

✅ ASP.NET Identity Core, Where does the issued tokens get stored?

I followed the instructions on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/identity-api-authorization?view=aspnetcore-8.0 to secure my web api. Identity Core is using an sqlite db to store data. I am able to see the users table however when I create an access token it is not stored in the db. Where is it stored? is some logic used to determine whether it is a token and it has not expired yet?
Use Identity to secure a Web API backend for SPAs
Learn how to use Identity to secure a Web API backend for single page applications (SPAs).
3 Replies
Jimmacle7mo ago
i don't know about identity's specifically, but generally access tokens are not stored anywhere except the client the token itself has everything needed to verify it's legitimate and not expired, which means you can authorize clients without having to hit your DB
TopMost7mo ago
oh i see. thank you very much.
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