Setting table columns based on model's json column

I have this structure: Form Response a form has n responses, 1 response belongs to 1 form a form has a json field called fields - example:
[{"name": "birthdate", "type": "2", "is_required": true, "placeholder": "Random placeholder test"}]
[{"name": "birthdate", "type": "2", "is_required": true, "placeholder": "Random placeholder test"}]
a response has a field called responses - example:
{"birthdate": "2023-11-25"}
{"birthdate": "2023-11-25"}
in the form's responses table, i want to set the table's columns dynamically, so it shows all form fields and their responses. im trying this: (file app/Filament/Resources/ResponseResource.php)
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->columns((function (): array {
$form = Form::findOrFail(1); // 1 is set hardcoded on purpose to test

return collect()
->map(function (array $field) {
return Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make($field['name'])
->formatStateUsing(function (Response $record) use ($field) {
return $record->responses[str($field['name'])->slug()->toString()]; // this doesnt work ⚠️
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->columns((function (): array {
$form = Form::findOrFail(1); // 1 is set hardcoded on purpose to test

return collect()
->map(function (array $field) {
return Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make($field['name'])
->formatStateUsing(function (Response $record) use ($field) {
return $record->responses[str($field['name'])->slug()->toString()]; // this doesnt work ⚠️
which results into this image here, where the birthdate isnt shown. why??? if i just dd $record->responses[str($field['name'])->slug()->toString()] in my tinker, it works, it shows -> "2023-11-25"
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7 Replies
ericmp #2
ericmp #27mo ago
if something is unclear, let me know please, so i can try to explain it better
Sergiu7mo ago
have you tried dd() inside the ->formatStateUsing() ?
ericmp #2
ericmp #27mo ago
yes, it doesnt dd but if i instead do it in here, when mergin the created_at field, it dds
->formatStateUsing(function (Response $record) use ($field) {
dd('hi'); // i see it in the browser
->formatStateUsing(function (Response $record) use ($field) {
dd('hi'); // i see it in the browser
ConnorHowell7mo ago
Try using getStateUsing instead of formatStateUsing, it won't call if the column name does not exist on the base data 'birthdate' doesn't exist on $record so it won't even attempt to call the format function as there isn't really anything to format.
ericmp #2
ericmp #27mo ago
cant believe it works u think the code looks fine? or is kinda weird? i mean, u'd do it the way i did it? just looking for some feedback now ( : , if u dont mind
ConnorHowell7mo ago
Nah I don't see anything inherently wrong with it, you could maybe store the slug as part of the fields def so you don't have to repeat this:
Just $field['slug'] or something
ericmp #2
ericmp #27mo ago
thanks (: appreciate ur help y'all