C#7mo ago

✅ JsonConvert.DeserializeObject return contains all null elements

Using Newtonsoft.Json, I have the following JSON (attached) with the following deserializer code:
public class ObjectDB
public struct DBFile
long Timestamp;
List<Class> Classes;
List<Object> Objects;
List<Category> Categories;
struct Class
string InternalName;
string Name;
string Notes;
int Games;
int Progress;
Dictionary<string, Parameter> Parameters;

struct ArgValue
string Value;
string Notes;

struct Object
string InternalName;
string ClassNameSMG1;
string ClassNameSMG2;
string Name;
string Notes;
string Category;
string AreaShape;
string ListSMG1;
string ListSMG2;
string File;
int Games;
int Progress;
bool IsUnused;
bool IsLeftover;

struct Category
string Key;
string Description;

struct Parameter
string Name;
string Type;
int Games;
bool Needed;
string Description;
List<ArgValue> Values;
List<string> Exclusives;

public static void LoadDB()
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new();
sDatabase = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DBFile>(File.ReadAllText("res/objectdb.json"), settings);

static DBFile sDatabase;
public class ObjectDB
public struct DBFile
long Timestamp;
List<Class> Classes;
List<Object> Objects;
List<Category> Categories;
struct Class
string InternalName;
string Name;
string Notes;
int Games;
int Progress;
Dictionary<string, Parameter> Parameters;

struct ArgValue
string Value;
string Notes;

struct Object
string InternalName;
string ClassNameSMG1;
string ClassNameSMG2;
string Name;
string Notes;
string Category;
string AreaShape;
string ListSMG1;
string ListSMG2;
string File;
int Games;
int Progress;
bool IsUnused;
bool IsLeftover;

struct Category
string Key;
string Description;

struct Parameter
string Name;
string Type;
int Games;
bool Needed;
string Description;
List<ArgValue> Values;
List<string> Exclusives;

public static void LoadDB()
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new();
sDatabase = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DBFile>(File.ReadAllText("res/objectdb.json"), settings);

static DBFile sDatabase;
However, the deserializer is not throwing an error but every element of DBFile is null. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1177777512525340752/1179410186717364324/image.png?ex=6579ae54&is=65673954&hm=c0ab82bfb39fd7785f407e64f07aaba100ba3cad3f1326bf4a59fb3b4a3935f4&
24 Replies
cap5lut7mo ago
that is the default behaviour, if u want to change that u will have to pass some settings: https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/DeserializeMissingMemberHandling.htm
shibboleet7mo ago
No description
shibboleet7mo ago
ah, I think I see what happens
shibboleet7mo ago
No description
shibboleet7mo ago
good 'ol formatting and string escapes not exactly sure how to approach that
cap5lut7mo ago
thats actually the wrong thingy. this configures what happens if the JSON has some property that is not mapped to the POCO to set if it throws or sets to null, it seems u need a custom ContractResolver: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57673787/how-to-throw-a-jsonserializationexception-when-a-property-is-missing-in-the-json#answer-57680436
shibboleet7mo ago
the issue moreso lies in the inability of it to properly parse the JSON due to string formatting
cap5lut7mo ago
do u mean because the \r\ns in there?
shibboleet7mo ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it can't find an obvious key that is clearly there, so something is blocking it from doing so
cap5lut7mo ago
because they dont cause an issue, these are whitespaces (a windows line break to be exactly)
shibboleet7mo ago
removed the \r\n formatting strings but it still fails perhaps it's the \"Timestamp\"
cap5lut7mo ago
nope, thats just how visual studio displays the string
shibboleet7mo ago
then I can't tell you what the issue is here it can't find the key "Timestamp" even though it's there
cap5lut7mo ago
aaah, i think i see the issue its the typical property vs field thingy i guess
shibboleet7mo ago
cap5lut7mo ago
well, basically u have a bunch of private fields like DBFile.Timestamp, by default these are ignored
By default a type's properties are serialized in opt-out mode. What that means is that all public fields and properties with getters are automatically serialized to JSON, and fields and properties that shouldn't be serialized are opted-out by placing JsonIgnoreAttribute on them. To serialize private members, the JsonPropertyAttribute can be placed on private fields and properties.
shibboleet7mo ago
The More You Know ™️
shibboleet7mo ago
that would indeed do it
No description
cap5lut7mo ago
btw is there a specific reason u r newtonsoft.json over System.Text.Json? since .net 7 the latter is the preferred library for this
shibboleet7mo ago
hard to teach an old dog new tricks I guess haha
cap5lut7mo ago
well, u wouldve run into the same issue anyway xD but if u do not have to deal with somewhat broken JSON or some other niche use case thats a deviation from the standard, STJ is the better option. its part of the BCL, its more performant and supports source generated (de-)serialization
shibboleet7mo ago
alrighty, thanks! appreciate the help
cap5lut7mo ago
glad i could help o7 if the problem is now solved, please dont forget to $close the thread
MODiX7mo ago
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