creating a new type

how do Integers for example do it, that they are a struct under the hood but instead of calling a constructor like
int i = new int(0);
int i = new int(0);
they can be assigned like
int i = 0;
int i = 0;
8 Replies
IKryxxᵈᵉᵛ7mo ago
and can the user replicate this?
exokem7mo ago
Primitive types like int are special cases that I assume are handled by the C# compiler It isn't really possible to do much custom syntax unless you want to write a preprocessor or something
IKryxxᵈᵉᵛ7mo ago
shite thanks
exokem7mo ago
You can create custom types, but the syntax will use the new keyword like you have in the first line
cap5lut7mo ago
there is also implicit/explicit conversion:
MODiX7mo ago
cap5lut (click here)
Example e = 5;
public readonly struct Example {
private readonly int value;
public Example(int value) {
this.value = value;
public override string ToString() => $"Exaample({value...
public static implicit operator Example(int value) => ...
Example e = 5;
public readonly struct Example {
private readonly int value;
public Example(int value) {
this.value = value;
public override string ToString() => $"Exaample({value...
public static implicit operator Example(int value) => ...
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cap5lut7mo ago
⤴️ will print Exaample(5) thats basically like casting, if that was explicit instead of implicit u would have to write Example e = (Example)5; its basically a casting operator override
Thinker7mo ago
Also about ints, I the int constructor is never called when you do int i = 0;. Again ints are special.