Livewire component modal with next button

Wondering how I might accomplish this. I have a livewire component that's a modal. When the modal opens it has a table where the user interacts with the rows in the table, and then should be able to click a "next" button where the table would disappear, and the user can perform subsequent steps in a form. It would essentially be a wizard kind of setup, but with a table/form inside of a modal. Is that possible in a filament-y way?
5 Replies
mpiet2mo ago
Thinking about a similar approach...
Jon Mason
Jon Mason2mo ago
I forget how I went about this, but I'm fairly certain I abandoned the modal from a table idea.
awcodes2mo ago
If it didn’t involve a table then you could just use an actual wizard field in the modal.
mpiet2mo ago
I did it with adding actions to a custom modal