How to Create an Action class that can be used on both Table and Form

Hi, I have a pretty big action with form and form handling logic. I need to extract it to a class which can be used on both the Resource Table and the Resource Edit form.
2 Replies
Mansoor Khan
Mansoor Khan7mo ago
Ok I just created a trait which i use in both actions. I dont get the ide completion but it works.. May be someone has better approach.. Here is an Example: app/Filament/Actions/Form/ReceiveInvoicePayment.php

namespace App\Filament\Actions\Form;

use App\Filament\Actions\Concerns\ReceivesInvoicePayment;
use Filament\Actions\Action;

class ReceiveInvoicePayment extends Action
use ReceivesInvoicePayment;

namespace App\Filament\Actions\Form;

use App\Filament\Actions\Concerns\ReceivesInvoicePayment;
use Filament\Actions\Action;

class ReceiveInvoicePayment extends Action
use ReceivesInvoicePayment;

namespace App\Filament\Actions\Table;

use App\Filament\Actions\Concerns\ReceivesInvoicePayment;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\Action;

class ReceiveInvoicePayment extends Action
use ReceivesInvoicePayment;

namespace App\Filament\Actions\Table;

use App\Filament\Actions\Concerns\ReceivesInvoicePayment;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\Action;

class ReceiveInvoicePayment extends Action
use ReceivesInvoicePayment;
The trait: app/Filament/Actions/Concerns/ReceivesInvoicePayment.php

namespace App\Filament\Actions\Concerns;

use App\Models\Invoice;

trait ReceivesInvoicePayment
public static function getDefaultName(): ?string
return 'receive_payment';

protected function setUp(): void


$this->visible(static fn (Invoice $record) => blank($record->paid_at));

// more method...

namespace App\Filament\Actions\Concerns;

use App\Models\Invoice;

trait ReceivesInvoicePayment
public static function getDefaultName(): ?string
return 'receive_payment';

protected function setUp(): void


$this->visible(static fn (Invoice $record) => blank($record->paid_at));

// more method...
DrByte7mo ago
That's the most common way I've seen people say they're doing it. Looks sensible to me! ... and that's the approach I'm using in my apps.