table header bg color

When create a table in Livewire component, and display it as {{ $this->table }}, how do i change table header background color? Currently is set to some shade of gray when i display it, and cant find the way to change it to other color.
Just wrap your table with a css class or id then?
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5 Replies
Vladimir7mo ago
ok so the only way i found this to work is to manually add styles in blade file. Is there a better way?
awcodes7mo ago
The better way is to use css.
Vladimir7mo ago
@awcodes is this what you mean?
<section class="flex flex-col">
<div class="relative overflow-x-auto rounded-lg w-full">
{{ $this->table }}
.fi-ta-table > thead {
background-color: #15803d;
.fi-ta-header-cell-label {
.fi-ta-header-cell-sort-icon {
background: transparent;
<section class="flex flex-col">
<div class="relative overflow-x-auto rounded-lg w-full">
{{ $this->table }}
.fi-ta-table > thead {
background-color: #15803d;
.fi-ta-header-cell-label {
.fi-ta-header-cell-sort-icon {
background: transparent;
If so , here is a challenge i am strugling to solve: Example: I have a same table that looks pretty much same, except that colors in tables are different. There is table showing jobs, and another showing applicants, and by design, first one is in green shades, and second one in orange shades. On the page, i shall display them both, so when i apply css on one, as in example, it overwrite another one. Is there a way to give ID to a table using Table Builder> Or the class?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch6mo ago
Just wrap your table with a css class or id then?
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