C#7mo ago

i have to restart omnisharp every time

bruh everytime i add a package or add reference in another project i cannot add the namespace or use code actions to auto add/ import , i have to restart the lsp every freaking time
4 Replies
Angius7mo ago
Welcome to the VS Code experience At the same time, though, make sure you use DevKit not just plain O# It's a little better
huge7mo ago
didnt know devkit existed , is dev kit just for vs code? because ive moved on from vs code after i had to Ctrl +P , Restart Omnisharp every 30 seconds
Angius7mo ago
Yes, DevKit is a VS Code extension that replaced O# Well, it still uses O# under the hood, but has a bunch more stuff as well That said, if you can use VS 2022 or Rider, use those
PixxelKick7mo ago
If you are using Neovim, there's this plugin that can sorta help with the issue https://github.com/hinell/lsp-timeout.nvim Can combo it with the various plugins that let you swap buffers quickly like nvim-tree and whatnot, and all you gotta do is just swap A->B->A and it should reboot or you could just create a keybind for
thatll quickly toggle the switch off and back on again for your buffer