C#7mo ago

✅ Assembly No Respecting Version

I hve <Version>1.0.0-alpha1</Version> set, bit the version is showing as ``]. Any reason why it's not respecting the alpha?
3 Replies
Bill7mo ago
Think that's the right way for me to do this here? Thank you! @SyncRооt It's still showing with <AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>1.0.0-alpha</AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute> And [assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("1.0.0-alpha")]
MODiX7mo ago
I'm trying to add both a Version Suffix and Prefix to my assembly version and print it out. This is what I have:
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var assemblyVersion = assembly.GetName().Version;
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var assemblyVersion = assembly.GetName().Version;
But when I print out the version, I get
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<@191633014441115648> from #Assembly Version (click here)
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Bill7mo ago
Version doesn't exist there
private string? Getersion()
return typeof(Worker).Assembly
private string? Getersion()
return typeof(Worker).Assembly
Like so? @SyncRооt Let me test it! What do you mean? Got v1.0.0.0-alpha Anyway to remove the extra 0 Nvm I had it in my config Works like a charm thank you! @SyncRооt Is there a way to accept an awnser? /solve