Filament6mo ago

Move Table filter indicators to header toolbar

Is there a way to move the active filter indicators (.fi-ta-filter-indicators) to the header toolbar (.fi-ta-header-toolbar), without publishing the blade views? I tried using CSS but I can't get it to work. See screenshot for what I'm trying to achieve:
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3 Replies
toeknee6mo ago
.fii-ta-filter-indicators {
margin-top: -62px;
height: 64px;
padding-top: 20px;
.fii-ta-filter-indicators {
margin-top: -62px;
height: 64px;
padding-top: 20px;
Would do the desktop with CSS as a baseline, but will need refining I suspect But I wouldn't use this if using bulk actions since the bulk actions in v3 are inline
Veur6mo ago
I see, thanks. Wouldn’t it be possible using a render hook?
toeknee6mo ago
Possibly.. but you would have to completely move it with overriding the view which we don't advise at all. That top section is now used for actions you see