Print infolist only

Hello everybody. Guys, I have a button inside an InfoLIst that opens the print screen. But along with it comes the sidebar and top menu of the Filament v3 layout. Can I disable everything in the layout and leave only the infllist section to appear in print? Thanks
6 Replies
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus6mo ago
you have to use css and target them for print
@media print
display: none !important;
@media print
display: none !important;
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldo6mo ago
I managed to remove the sidebar by changing .fi-sidebar-nav to fi-layout aside. I appreciate your suggestion. So the content inside the Infolist Section does not appear in print. Do you know how to make the layout content visible for printing?
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus6mo ago
not sure if other classes overwrite it? it's appear to me
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joao nivaldo
joao nivaldo6mo ago
Here it appeared after I activated the Background Graphics option. Does this happen to you too? Thanks
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus6mo ago
actually it's disabled by default
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joao nivaldo
joao nivaldo6mo ago
Sure. I'll check here, I must have changed something in the css. Thank you very much for the help.