Filamentβ€’7mo ago

Only sidebar menu loading after v3.1.11 composer update

Other than the sidebar, I'm just getting a white screen and nothing is clickable. I can't see any errors in console and nothing logged by laravel I've updated from filament 2 and livewire 2 Something odd happening with CSS? I just realised the filament login page isn't working either
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8 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’7mo ago
Can you share php artisan about?
tomb8091β€’7mo ago
Thanks Dennis, Here you go, filament views are listed as not published. I've tried publishing them and have the same problem.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’7mo ago
I've tried publishing them and have the same problem.
You shouldn't. That's why I asked. Do you have composer scripts set up to run artisan filament:upgrade after composer install? Do you have a custom theme, if yes, did you recompile?
tomb8091β€’7mo ago
Yep, I thought they shouldn't be there! But tried it both ways to be sure. I tried running filament:upgrade, but that didn't work. There's no custom theme. Hmm, it looks like livewire and Alpine aren't loading, if I console.log window, they aren't in place. But both are loading fine on non filament pages.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’7mo ago
Are all assets loaded? Did you check the network tab?
tomb8091β€’7mo ago
alpine is being loaded in network, but no attempt to load livewire
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’7mo ago
That's weird. Not sure whether there was a manual step in the Livewire upgrade guide?
tomb8091β€’7mo ago
ah!! Yep, livewire config wasn't set to auto inject the assets. The auto inject is now causing issues with the rest of my app, be good if there was a way to get filament working without auto inject turned on. But I'll mark this as solved. Thanks for your help Dennis, appreciated! πŸ™‚
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