Filamentβ€’6mo ago

Infolist - Layout

There is a Infolist in which I'm using Grid, Fieldset, Section etc. What If I need to move them and change the layout and colors so, can I do it with theme.css using classes or do I need to use custom layout ... because I cannot understand custom layout that how can I implement or move those section fields using layout component
4 Replies
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’6mo ago
you can use css to target any component and overwrite it's looks https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/support/style-customization as for moving them, I think you can use Grid and set columns and columnSpan for any component
Noorβ€’6mo ago
so what is custom layout used for under form builders ? @Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’6mo ago
is toy create your own layout if you need some thing other than the included one in filament it's basicelly you creating another component and add to it whatever you want
Noorβ€’6mo ago
ok thanks for clearing it out πŸ‘πŸ»